
Post Goes Up to 2 cents ( 1950 ) A majority has been reached among the members of the United States House of Representatives regarding the hike in postal rates. As a result of a voice vote made on this day, a bill was passed which had raised the rate of postal card rates from one to two cents. Regular letter rates would stay at three cents.

747 Test Flight
9th February ( 1969 ) : Boeing 747 airliner takes its first test flight piloted by test pilots Jack Waddell and Brien Wygle at the controls

Shergar Stolen
9th February ( 1983 ) : Shergar is stolen from a stud farm owned by the Aga Khan in County Kildare, Ireland. The five-year-old thoroughbred stallion was worth $13.5 million and commanded stud fees of approximately $100,000. Shergar was never seen again and no ransom was paid and the case was never solved.

Battle of Guadalcanal 9th February ( 1943 ) The Battle of Guadalcanal, which occurred in the Southwest Pacific Ocean, had ended on this day. This was a very important victory over the Japanese, which was achieved by the United States.

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